The 54th Anniversary of the Child Health Sciences Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana/Hospital Sanglah Denpasar

The 54th Anniversary of the Child Health Sciences Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana/Hospital Sanglah Denpasar was enlivened by various activities carried out in one day, November 30th 2021. The activity started at the Sadhu Sakti Temple at Sanglah Hospital.

Picture 1. Matur Piuning at Pura Sadhu Sakti RSUP Sanglah

The event was held online and offline which was attended by dr. Ida Bagus Gede Suparyatha, Sp.A(K) as Head of the Department, dr. Gusti Ayu Putu Nilawati, Sp.A(K), MARS as the Study Program Coordinator, and other invitees who had the opportunity to attend. The activity was continued with some remarks from the Head of the Department, Dr. dr. Komanmg Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes as the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University and Dr. I Wayan Sudana, M.Kes as the Main Director of Sanglah Hospital Denpasar. At the peak of the 54th Anniversary, a book launching event for COVID-19 in Children "Practical Guidelines for Parents" was also held, which was followed by a photo with the authors, namely Dr. dr. Ni Putu Siadi Purniti, Sp.A(K), Dr. dr. Ida Bagus Subanada, Sp.A(K) and DR. dr. Dyah Kanya Wati, Sp.A(K). This book is expected to be a guide for parents to better understand how to deal with COVID 19 in children.

Picture 2. Launching the book Covid-19 on Children “Practical Guidelines for Parents”

The activity was also enlivened by the announcement of the previously held online TikTok competition. There are a total of 9 winners from different categories: namely the Cutest, Funniest, Craziest, Blurriest, Driest Humor, Family-est, Most Educational, The Best, and The Favorite. The highlight of the activity was the cutting the Tumpeng Rice and cake by the Head of Department and Program Study Coordinator. As well as showing videos of birthday greetings and Tiktoks from the committee. Before closing, the activity was enlivened by karaoke, dancing, and having fun together. A number of booths consisting of various types of culinary were provided at lunch while enjoying these events.The 54th Anniversary of the Child Health Sciences Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana/Hospital Sanglah Denpasar was conducted throughout the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the activities were carried out by adhering to strict health protocols such as wearing masks.

Picture 3. Photo of the 54th Anniversary of the Child Health Sciences Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana/Hospital Sanglah

Happy 54th birthday Our Beloved IKA…